
Self Managed Super Funds (SMSF)

Why set up an SMSF?

More than a million Australians have invested hundreds of billions of dollars into self managed super funds (SMSFs) to take control of their retirement. They have chosen to manage their super today to make their own decisions and optimise the choices they will have in retirement. Ensuring that they are set up correctly, monitored and performing at their best will be essential to your retirement health.

Core services

SMSF establishment

Our SMSF team can advise you whether an SMSF is right for you, and take care of setting up the trust deed and all related paperwork to establish the SMSF for you.

SMSF administration and compliance

Our team can take care of the administration (preparation of financial statements and tax return), and liaise with you to ensure that your SMSF is compliant with the relevant SMSF legislation.

SMSF investment strategies

In conjunction with our Financial Planning team at Everalls Wealth Management, we can assist you in formulating your investment strategies that will fit your risk profile, to ensure that your retirement goals are achieved.

SMSF tax strategies

Superannuation legislation is constantly changing and therefore it is paramount that you are at all time informed how this may affect your SMSF. We provide you with in-depth advice on any changes and how to maximize your tax savings that will help you build your retirement nest egg.

SMSF pension strategies

Good retirement planning is essential to maximize your retirement benefits. Our SMSF team helps you to achieve your retirement goals with effective pension strategies.

Retirement health check

Based on your retirement goals, the retirement health check informs you if you are on target with your retirement goals, projects how long your retirement funds will last when you retire and let’s you know if you have to contribute more and for how long to reach your goal.

To find out if a SMSF is right for you and how we can assist you to reach your retirement goals – contact us

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